Baker Street With Thom Pollard

#10 - Frank Campanaro: Conquering Mount Everest with Tourette Syndrome, Mentors - Remarkable Interview



For all intents and purposes, the guest for Episode 10 should have died a hundred times over given the odds stacked against him from a young age. Instead, his is a story of inspiration.Tourette Syndrome is a type of Tic Disorder. Tics are involuntary, repetitive movements and vocalizations. In addition to the medical and behavioral challenges that come hand-in-had with TS, children also face challenging social and educational situations, which can be stressful.  Our guest has lived his entire life with Tourette Syndrome. Instead of allowing it to defeat him, he's risen literally to the top of the world, Mount Everest, and has become successful in the military, as a chef, in business and is also an advocate and mentor to others with Tourette Syndrome.I met Frank Campanaro this spring on Mount Everest, where both of us were endeavoring to climb to the world's highest point. It soon became obvious how remarkable Frank's story is. While Tourette Syndrome is a big part of his story, his is primarily