Health Talk With The Stoners

076: Three Adjustments To Avoid Sabotaging Your Fitness Goals



Chances are high you’re familiar with — and guilty of — each of these blunders, but that’s okay. You can learn from them.Today we focus on some minor adjustments that we all can do to avoid sabotaging our fitness goals. As always we want to encourage you to continue pushing toward your fitness/nutrition and lifestyle goals. We believe in you and we know with a solid plan you will get there. To help you out we wanted to include a few links to get you to your goals. Check out Tone From Home for quick at home workouts or Define & Sculpt for a 60 day program that will deliver strength training and quick fat burning cardio workouts that'll build lean toned muscle and shred unwanted stubborn fat. This is coupled with nutrition plan, intermittent fasting and carb cycling to change the way your body burns fat, and builds lean muscle.And always get support from us via facebook or IG.Have an amazing day and we will catch you next time!XO Michael & Mickayla