Health Talk With The Stoners

062: Keeping Calm During Quarantine



While meditation might be a great tool to calm your mind it's certainly not the only way! Another powerful tool is by doing things that naturally focus and relax your mind outside of yourself and guide your brain to release calming neurochemicals.How do I do this you may ask?Well, if meditation isn't for you or you want to discover alternative ways to stay calm here are have 5 ways that will help you today! And in the short term, they have the same effect on our mood. In an effort to always deliver ways to keep you healthy and fit whether it be during quarentine or years from now, we want OVERALL HEALTH to be your main goal! Mickayla has created several new ways to workout in the connivence of your home with either Programs designed specifically for you, Coaching or quick Tone From Home workouts you can do anywhere. Check them out and tell us what you think!!Stay healthy, stay calm, we love you!xo Michael & Mickayla