Health Talk With The Stoners

058: Toxic Beauty - What Are You Really putting Under Your Arms



Feeling good, smelling delicious and looking our best makes us feel great. There is nothing wrong with that. But have we ever stopped and looked at what is in some of our beauty products?Actually understood the ingredients and took the time to make sure that what we use on the daily is actually good for us?In the past, both of us never did but as we have become more conscious of what we put in or on our body we have found some SCARY ingredients that have no place near us.Because of this, we have started a series called TOXIC BEAUTY to tackle specific daily products we us that may have ingredients we want to avoid and clear alternatives to switch too.In this podcast we mentioned a couple interesting studies that helped with our research. find them below:  1. Parabens 2. Aluminum 3. Carcinogen 4. Glycol 5. FDA regulationsWe did mention attaching links of alternatives to our daily products that don't contain the harsh ingredients. That would be Beauty By Earth. We are an affiliate which means we do receive