Health Talk With The Stoners

057: The Trouble With Our Love For Plastic



"Plastic has its role in modern society. It’s an essential part of our cars, computers, mobile phones, children’s toys – and practically most everything we use on a day-to-day basis. But there’s one place where plastic has worn out its welcome – and that’s as a container for the food we eat and the water we drink” -Anonymous 1983Well that sure came true! Let's face it, plastics are everywhere, but what is safe and how can we protect ourselves? it may be easier than you think!On today's podcast we focus on our love for plastic and find ways to reduce the use to help us and our environment.We mentioned a study in this podcast from a group of world renown chemists. and here it is!1. 2015 Plastic Study If you want further health talk or need a program designed specifically for you, connect with Mickayla HERE and be on your way to the healthiest you yet!!xo Michael & Mickayla