Health Talk With The Stoners

051: This Mineral Might Be Your Solution - Magnesium Part I



I’m gonna say it. Magnesium may be what you’re missing.With over 300 intrinsic jobs that it carries out within our bodies, it is a mineral to definitely look into. Let's face it, a majority of us are deficient in some form of vitamin or mineral and with jobs like:Regulating blood sugar & insulinCortisol manangement Improved thyroid functionPMS managementand so much more, we have to dive into Magnesium. Magnesium Part I dives into the why behind this rich and healing mineral as well as what it does in our complex body.For more information on magnesium or other vitamins and minerals that will help you to live a happy and healthier life contact Mickayla HERE or shoot over to her nutrition coaching where she builds out a complete individualized program that fits your specific needs.xo Michael & Mickayla