Health Talk With The Stoners

018: Welcome To The World Hendrix Stoner: Our Birth Story & Ways That Improved Mickayla's Pregnancy



Birth is beautiful and every birth is different. Today we wanted to tackle some of those burning birth story questions. Mickayla's birth story the second go around was so different than her first so today we dig deep and see why her second birth was so different.Learn the his and her story from the birth of the second child. What we learned and what we will carry on for the next (someday but not today) birth!As always, we back our research with data and as mentioned in the episode, here are the two links you can use.Red Raspberry Leaf teaThe power of DatesIf you want more guidance with your fitness and nutrition before or after baby to keep your body at the optimal levels head over to Mickayla Stoner Fitness and take a look work with me page. Find a program perfect for you!!x Mickayla & Michael