Christ Our Hope Sermons

Sunday 8.2.20 - "Rejoicing in Impossible Tasks from God" - Fr. Al Janssen



"The kingdom of God is not about showing off how great we are. It's about demonstrating how great our King Jesus is." Scripture provides countless examples of God's people totally outmatched by their assignments from God; Noah's construction of the ark, Moses' confrontation of Pharaoh, Gideon's small clan taking on the Midianite army, David and Goliath, and Jonah's charge to preach repentance to a hostile nation are all instances of God giving His people tasks that would be doomed to failure without His intervention. Jesus' miracle of feeding the five thousand embodies the reality of how God reveals Himself when we are not suited for the task in front of us. Interim rector Fr. Al Janssen unpacks this story in a sermon applicable to the everyday believer and to mark the special occasion of commissioning a sister at Christ Our Hope to serve in the mission field.  Support the show (