Dementia Resilience With Jill Lorentz

DRwJL- Dr. Huntington Potter – A Candid & Deep Look at Research & Alzheimer’s



Sept. 7, 2021 - I had a riveting, breaking news conversation with one of the most celebrated researchers in the world. Dr. Huntington Potter is Professor of Neurology, Director of Alzheimer's Disease Program at the Linda Crnic Institute for Down Syndrome, and is Director of the CU Alzheimer's and Cognition Center at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Center. Previously, Dr. Potter studied, researched and taught for 30 years at Harvard University. He then designed and directed the Florida Alzheimer's Disease Research Center and the Johnnie B. Byrd Sr. Alzheimer's Center & Research Institute. He is currently expanding his discovery that Alzheimer's disease is mechanistically related to Down syndrome, which invariably leads to Alzheimer's by age 30-40, through the development of many cells with trisomy 21 and other aneuploidy. Recently, he and his colleagues have found such cell cycle defects in numerous other neurodegenerative diseases, providing a novel approach to diagnosis and therapy. They are a