Everything Hertz

140: You can’t buy cat biscuits with ‘thank you’ emails



James proposes that peer review reports should be published as their own citable objects, provided that the manuscript author thinks that the peer review report is of sufficient quality and the peer reviewers agree Other links and things we discuss * An update on James’ start up job * The American service industry * Dan’s first outing since the pandemic started * The villlage of Hell (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hell,_Norway), in Norway * The villiage of Fucking (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fugging,_Upper_Austria) (now changed to Fugging) in Austria * The Hertz long term archive (https://osf.io/zj7y3/) on Open Science Framework * We’re up for doing a syllabus episodes that you can assign to your classes * Dan’s recent piece (https://rdcu.be/cx3H0) in Nature Human Behavior on replication projects for undergraduate research theses * What about a replication study as part of a PhD thesis? * The trope of, “future replications are needed’ * Collaborative Replications and Education Project (CREP (https://osf.