Drinking At Bible Study

41: New Beginnings/F*** 2016



This week the show begins with Joe informing everyone that next week they are going to start their series on Romans so read chapters 1&2 in Romans to follow along. In the show Joe and Brandi discuss weird things Joe says, the movie Goon, what Brandi has been doing during her winter break, then they get into the Ice Breaker where they discuss favorite quotes as well as ASMR. Next they get into the meat of the show where they talk about what the Bible has to say about new beginnings and they the show gets real depressing as they look back on 2016. All this and very little else on this week's show.        Message From Joe - 00:00 Intro - 00:31 Fellowship - 03:41 Ice Breaker - 14:42 Let's Get Into The Meat - 25:33 Prayer Requests - 1:16:25