Human Unleashed

15: Be Your Own (S)expert With Juliana Morris



Dr. Juliana Morris is a (S)expert who has spent decades counselling and supporting thousands of women from around the world on their paths to discover and own their sexuality. Tune into this episode to find out how you can be your own (S)expert and learn how your sexuality shows up in every area of your life.   Bio: Dr. Juliana Morris is the founder of Dr. Juliana Morris, Inc., Be Your Own (S)expert and The Super Jewels Project. She is a licensed therapist, academic, and bona fide (S)expert. Dr. Juliana has spent decades counseling and supporting thousands of women on their paths to discover and own their sexual agency. She is a certified BodySex Workshop facilitator and a creator of the Become Your Own (S)expert e-course, which offers a safe space for women to nurture and support one another as they discover their power through exploring their sexuality. Her Super Jewels Project is an exciting philanthropic initiative that highlights the everyday women and girls who are living their lives in an extraordina