Human Unleashed

11: How To Hold Your Sacred Feminine With Samar Shata



  Samar Shata is a Psychotherapist, Speaker and Leadership Coach for women.     Bio: Samar believes that therapy is an exchange process between two experts: the client is an expert in their own life story and the therapist is an expert in psychological and practical life strategies. Samar works with clients of all ages and is passionate about assisting children and families through transitions. She brings her compassion, open-mindedness and acceptance to each client she works with. She believes that painful life situations can be transformed into advanced training which results in healing and growth and a deeper satisfaction in life. Samar encourages her clients build their core strength through embracing and transforming the challenges in front of them. Samar was born and raised in Egypt  and has led an interesting life in which she has traveled her own road of transformation. She was one of the featured speakers at TEDx in May 2015 speaking on the art of transforming fear into action. Since her elementa