Human Unleashed

8: How One Decision Changed It All With Sonali Giovino Perera



Sonali Giovino Perera is the CEO and Founder of The Awakened Man. She shares her story of how losing close to all of her savings led her to make one decision that changed it all. In this episode, you'll hear her highs and lows of quitting her corporate job, and how following her heart led her to launch multiple companies soon after. Bio:   Sonali Giovino Perera was born and raised on the East Coast of Canada inBrampton Ontario.  She is fortunate tohave traveled and lived in a few places like, Sri Lanka, Los Angeles and LasVegas, before settling down in Vancouver BC. She is inspired to turn personal obstacles into opportunities of epicpersonal growth.  She is HeartCore SerialEntrepreneur who left her corporate job to follow her dreams of empoweringpeople around the world embrace their gifts and awakened their innerpower.  Sonali is the Founder of InnerPower Events and she has been stirring quite the talk in town lately with herevent called The Awakened Man, because she is a female who created a platformtha