Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 63 - Teaching Shakespeare



It's something we've talked about relentlessly on this podcast: teaching Shakespeare is hard. Between the dense language, historical context, and cultural weight of the name "Shakespeare" there are a ton of barriers to getting students invested in the words of Billy S. So this episode we gathered together three teachers (including Lindsay) and talked all about the educational process. Resources, special techniques, success stories and challenges - all the topics we could think of to discuss with other educators. If you've ever wondered what goes into a teacher's plan for Shakespeare class, or considered sending your child off to a summer drama camp that's all about Shakespeare, take a listen in on our experts' discussion! Notes: Huge shout out to our two guests, Francis and Rachel, who joined us from the UK and Oregon, respectively, to share their experiences and wisdom about teaching Shakespeare! Majestic Theatre is where our Rachel plies her trade as bard director and performer for hire. If you're in Or