Bickering Peaks: A Twin Peaks Podcast

Episode 62 - Antony and Cleopatra



It's a play all about dualities that don't duel quite as much as we might think. Antony and Cleopatra - man and woman - Rome and Egypt - Love and War - every way you look at this play there are nice, clean delineations... until there aren't. We enjoyed reading and talking about this one because it refuses to be pinned down or defined, much like its titular characters. We hope you enjoy the conversation as well! Notes: If you don't know anything about Ptolemaic Egypt (like Aidan, who spent a solid three minutes explaining it very poorly), check out the Wikipedia entry at the very least. Cleopatra (1963) is only 3 hours long, not 5, but we still couldn't bring ourselves to watch it. Let us know if you did and enjoyed it though! Ancient Bickerings: Which type of betrayal is more damaging in the play - the romantic, or the political?