Feisworld Podcast

Ep 154. Helena Escalante on Transcreating EntreGurus.com and Writing for the Ear



About Our Guest Helena Escalante and I met through Seth Godin's altMBA in early 2017. We spent just about a month together working on various projects and "ship it" constantly. As one of the ideas that came out of altMBA, Helena started her blog, Entre Gurus, attracts thousands of readers daily from around the world.  Helena is a fireball, full of energy. You can't help feeling upbeat, life is good when you are around her. After altMBA, we kept in touch with Gustavo Serafini's (also a guest on Feisworld) weekly Mastermind Group, when Helena more fully unveiled her potential and helpful nature as a colleague and a friend.  To learn more about and from Helena, check out her daily blog: https://entregurus.com/ Show Notes: [08:00] You mention that a podcast is likely going to be part of EntreGurus as well. Since the content is in both English and Spanish, are there going to be different podcasts or the same? [10:00] How do you feel about translations? How can you express the same emotion in one language and the