Feisworld Podcast

Ep 150. Paige Brunton: SquareSpace Designer for Female Entrepreneurs



Paige Brunton is in her early 20s. She runs the site PaigeBrunton.com that helps female creative entrepreneurs build their websites using SquareSpace. I also used SquareSpace to build my website feisworld.com and numerous other client sites as part of Feisworld's Marketing Service Offerings. While building my consulting business, I found my tribe of mentors - and Paige is one of them.  So this episode is for you if you are... Looking to build a new website or upgrade the one you have - using a simple, all in one solution with a 24X7 support such as SquareSpace (I'm not an affiliate!) You are contemplating how you might be able to monetize your skills online When we were recording the episode, Paige was enjoying herself in Southeast Asia and working on her first online course.  New Announcement! Feisworld is in process of a beta launch for our first online course in June 2018 called Reaching Billions - click here to learn more. Subscribe to the Feisworld Podcast and support unsung heroes and self-made a