Health And Safety To Go!

Substance Use on the Jobsite: Challenges and Support Measures



Construction workers and those working in jobs with many physical demands may experience injury or pain at a higher rate. Without proper guidance, those who use opioids or other substances to manage this pain may be at an increased risk for experiencing harms. Listen to our podcast conversation with the Canadian Centre on Substance Use and Addiction to learn more about the use of opioids, cannabis and alcohol on the jobsite; the challenges faced by workers and employers; and how workplaces can support their employees’ health and safety. Released: June 17, 2021 File Size:  7.6 MB Length:  11:56 minutes ---------- « Substance Use on the Jobsite: Challenges and Support Measures » Les travailleurs de la construction et les personnes occupant un emploi physiquement exigeant sont particulièrement exposés aux blessures et aux douleurs. Sans un encadrement adéquat, les travailleurs qui prennent des opioïdes et d’autres substances pour traiter ces douleurs présentent un risque accru d’effets néfastes. Écoutez notre