Health And Safety To Go!

Bridging the Gap Between Caregiving and Work | Carer-Inclusive Standard for Workplaces



The CSA Standard Carer-inclusive and accommodating organizations standard was created to help employers support workers in Canada who provide care and assistance to family or friends living with ongoing conditions, while working at the same time. In this episode Dr. Allison Williams, chair of the committee that created the standard, discusses how workplaces can support the growing numbers of carer-workers. Released: February 26, 2020 File Size:  10.7 MB Length:  14:37 minutes **************** « Bridging the Gap Between Caregiving and Work | Carer-Inclusive Standard for Workplaces » La norme Organisations favorisant et appuyant les aidants naturels de l’Association canadienne de normalisation (ACN) vise à aider les employeurs à soutenir les personnes au Canada qui prodiguent des soins et offrent leur aide à des membres de leur famille ou à des amis qui vivent avec une maladie, tout en occupant un emploi. Dans cet épisode, Allison Williams, présidente du comité qui a créé cette norme, explique comment les mil