Town Hall Seattle Arts & Culture Series

157. Elissa Washuta & Theresa Warburton with Kristen Millares Young: The Other Worlds Present in Native Women’s Literature



In publishing today, some of the most expressive, form-breaking, innovative writing seems to come from Native authors. While the written tradition often overlooks Indigenous authors, in recent years we have seen a small increase in Native people telling their own stories in their own ways. In a conversation facilitated by author Kristen Millares Young, authors Elissa Washuta and Theresa Warburton joined us to discuss other worlds present in Native women’s literatures. Following their co-editing of the an anthology collecting essays by contemporary Native writers, they discussed their individual books, White Magic: Essays and Other Worlds Here: Honoring Native Women’s Writing in Contemporary Anarchist Movements, respectively. Together, they shared thoughts on the unique and essential voices that Native women can contribute to the overall storytelling landscape. Don’t miss this fundamental exploration of inheritance, land, heartbreak–and hope for the future. Elissa Washuta is a member of the Cowlitz Indian Tri