Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 242



This week we are looking at the chart of a podcast listener and her journey through a life of viruses, starting when she was at school. She has very kindly agreed for her chart to be shared:) xx Possible 'outer-planet-allergy' Jane natal chart Asc Taurus, Sun Scorpio in the 6th, Moon Leo in the 3rd Mercury retro, Saturn retro and Mars retro Glandular fever at school Saturn had just started transiting through Scorpio. Transiting Jupiter & Uranus are conjunct natal Neptune   M.E. myalgic encephalomyelitis = chronic fatigue syndrome  Pluto has nearly completed a transit through the sign of Scorpio, passing over her Sun sign Another virus in 2015 Transiting Saturn conjunct natal Neptune, Transiting Pluto conjunct natal Venus, transiting Uranus conjunct natal Mars   March 2020 possible COVID-19 and hospitalisation Transiting Uranus & Venus opp natal Sun/Mercury Bunch of transiting planets conjunct natal  MC The outer planets have now finishing transiting over the right-side of her chart, so for the res