Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 229



This week I am covering a brief mention of decumbiture, the Medical Astrology term for when the person 'took to their sick-bed'. Here is Jane Ridder-Patrick's book A Handbook of Medical Astrology As I can't share any of my client's charts I am using the two dates/times that I had my two vaccinations for COVID. Horary Rules: Ruler of the Ascendant represents the patient so does the Moon. 7th house represents the practitioner 4th house, sign on the cusp is the 'end of the matter' and how the issue will turn out:  if Cardinal=quickly, Fixed=prolonged, Mutable=variable My second Pfizer jab. Bowl chart Virgo Asc, ruler is Mercury in Gemini (it's natural home) in the 9th house, which is happy being there. Moon in Gemini also there (I have natal Moon in Gemini) The nurse is represented by the planet/s in the 7th, Neptune is there in Pisces in its natural (today) ruler.  Old ruler of Pisces (which is on the cusp of the 7th) is Jupiter which is located in the 6th house of health. 4th house rep