Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 214



This week I am talking about the limitations of Astrology. It's not really designed as an every-day-of-the-week focus. Because in natal Astrology we are learning about our own charts and how to make the best of them, paying too much attention to transits can distract us from actually living our lives. Yes, transits are important, however learning about our own strengths and weaknesses is far more empowering. I love transits! But I don't check mine every single day. I think that it can become a little obsessive to do that. Today's chart 11.31am, 24th January 2021: Bowl chart, all the planets on one side of the Zodiac Taurus Asc, Sun in Capricorn in the 9th, Moon in Gemini in the 1st. A few minutes later at  11.53am..still Taurus Asc Mercury has change house and Pluto   Those same transiting planets shown around the outside in the green circle for A.W. Natal Gemini Asc, Sun in Aries in the 11th, Moon in Pisces in the 10th All the transiting planets are above the horizon, today. As the week progresses the Moon