Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 201



This week I am discussing a current (very sad) situation in the U.K where the current government have decided NOT to help poor children have food during the school holidays. A campaigner to change this is Marcus Rashford. If you're in the U.K please go here to sign his petition (n.b. please note I read the numbers incorrectly and the count was 850,000 and I said 8 million, sorry!) Marcus discussing how he was hungry as a kid, interview with BBC   Marcus Rashford Whole sign method and no birth time Sun, Moon, Chiron, Mercury in Scorpio Cluster/Bowl chart (see Episode twenty one for info on Indigo children ) Lots of squares from Sun/Moon to outer planets   This is the date he wrote the letter to the MPs (letter at bottom of page) Transiting Moon/Chiron in Aries conjunct natal Saturn Date Marcus started Government petition Transiting Mars conjuct natal Saturn Trans