Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 191



This week we are working with three charts to demonstrate that the fifth house does not tell us how many children someone will have or equally if they can/will get pregnant. An empty 5th house is not an indicator of pregnancy possibility. Katy Aquarius Asc, Sun Capricorn in the 12th, Moon Aries in the 2nd Grand Water Trine. Empty 5th house   Oprah Winfrey Sagittarius Asc, Sun Aquarius in 2nd, Moon Sagittarius in 12th Empty 5th house       Queen Elizabeth 2nd Capricorn Asc, Sun Taurus in the 4th, Moon Leo in the 7th Empty 5th house  Mother to Charles, Anne, Andrew and Edward   If you want to find out what was transiting your 5th house when you got pregnant add the birth date of your child into here and scroll down to Conception Calendar Calculator and add the birth date of your child, find the date you (possibly) conceived then do a transit chart on  and see what was transiting through your 5th house on that date.