Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 189



This week I am discussing belief. Believe : " accept as true or as conveying truth (I believe it, him, what you say, that it is so); think, suppose; have (esp. religious faith); have faith in the existence of (believe in ghosts) have confidence in (believe in honesty) Shincheonji Church of Jesus Don't spend too much time on their site without also visiting   Their leader Lee Man-lee (Whole Sign system as no time of birth) Sun, (possibly) Moon, Mercury, Venus and Neptune in Virgo with Mercury retrograde conjunct Neptune. Splash chart. Transiting Neptune directly opposite natal Sun on day of arrest. Jupiter in Leo :"I want my beliefs to shine"   Dalai Lama. Correct birth time. Equal House. Splash chart shape Cancer Asc, Sun Cancer, Moon Virgo conjunct Neptune, Jupiter in Scorpio: "I want my beliefs to be trusted"     Eckhart Tolle (Whole Sign system as no time of birth) Splash chart shape Sun Aquar