Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 188



This week I am covering the generational transits of Pluto to natal Neptune and Uranus. Book mentioned is the wonderful Cosmos and Psyche by Richard Tarnas It does depend on what year you were born, so your experience might be radically different to your parents or your children. Poppy was born with the Uranus/Neptune conjunction in Capricorn. More info here Transiting Pluto has already just passed that natal conjunction. Charity was born when Pluto and Uranus were conjunct From 1968-9 transiting Pluto conjuncted her natal Uranus Then in 1992 Pluto would have transited (conjunct) her natal Neptune Jack was born with all his outer planets in different signs. But by 1998/1999 transiting Pluto conjuncted his natal Uranus then in 2007 it conjuncted his natal Neptune.