Mary English Astrologer Blog

Episode 167



This week we are working with the chart of Izzy Gemini Asc, Sun Aries in the 10th, Moon Gemini in the 12th North Node in the 2nd in Leo Uranus in the 6th house of work opposition Moon   Books and people mentioned. Alvin Hall was the author of the book I read in 2003 Your Money or Your Life Here's his website today, he makes LOTS of sense I also read The Trick to Money is Having Some by Stuart Wilde Here is Charles Eisenstein's website And this website has lots of way to make extra money   Stuart Wilde Virgo Ascendant, Sun Libra in 1st, Moon Virgo in the 12th Cluster/Bowl chart. 3 planets and Chiron in the 2nd house. Uranus in the 10th house of career conjunct M/C   And here is the Hypno track I said I'd make  Feeling Abundant