The Greed For Ilm Podcast

EP 204 – Dr. Meraj Mohiuddin



  I am joined by Dr. Meraj Mohiuddin, an American Muslim. Educated in the United States and longing to find an intimate book in English on the life of the Prophet Muhammad (pbuh), Dr. Meraj, an American physician dedicated himself for 13 years to complete his book, Revelation. In this conversation, he shares the inspiration behind his quest for learning more about the Prophet and his hope of increasing even more love for the Prophet (pbuh) in others. To gain a stronger understanding of the Quran, we must first learn as much as possible about he who was the "embodiment" of the Quran. Our beloved, Prophet Muhammad (pbuh). Some Links and Topics Mentioned In This Episode Mecca Books (Website) Revelation Website Facebook Page Twitter The length of time used to compose Revelation The goal behind Revelation What sets his book apart from other Sirah books? 2 Awesome Ways to Support Greed for Ilm 1. If you shop on Amazon (who doesn't), click here and make your purchases. Amazon kicks back a fraction of your total to