Great Ideas For Your Preteen Ministry

FFS400: Event Idea: Event Packs and SuperStart@



Are you looking for a way to ramp your RE-ENGAGEMENT of Volunteers and Preteens. One great way to re-engaging your preteen ministry is through special events. Today on the podcast, Rob Watson of CIY's preteen division Superstart! talked with Sean about the power of events to re-engage and energize a group of preteens and their leaders. In response to the shutdowns and restrictions that exist for many ministries, CIY has altered its preteen event strategy this year to provide a great preteen event that you can do at your own church. As part of your re-engagement strategy, check out FourFiveSix’s Event Packs, which contains 5 fully developed events ready for you to use with your preteens. Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast?  Send it to