Great Ideas For Your Preteen Ministry

FFS 378: EVENT IDEA: Family Game Night



Today on the podcast, Sean speaks with Pastor Chris Santos about Family Game Night: Quarantine Edition event. This was a very easy event to put together, and an event that can be done repeatedly. Using Zoom and the Kahoot App, Sean and Chris facilitated the night which included 3 games for the families. Families earned additional points right off the bat if they came to the meeting matching somehow. For the first game they used the trivia game from DYM, only using 10 of the 20 questions. This was played with the whole group together. After playing the DYM trivia game the families were split into groups, and then sent to a breakout room with a category assigned to them and for a minute and a half they determined based on that category what was in common between the families. A new category was sent to them every minute and a half (restaurants you frequent, movies your family enjoys, places you traveled outside the state). The final game, everyone came back together, and they played majority rules. For this gam