Great Ideas For Your Preteen Ministry

FFS 360: Leadership Idea: Invitation vs. Demand



Today on the podcast, Sean talks about a concept while working with preteens of knowing what you expect versus what you hope for. When you are talking about things in ministry like inviting friends, baptism or worship. Your tone when asking things of the preteens can really determine if you are demanding something of them or inviting them to join you in doing it. When it comes to behavior it is ok to be demanding in your tone. When you think about that concept, how are you approaching baptism, communion and even salvation response. If in our tone we are demanding these things there is no real meaning or purpose to the preteens because they are doing as ordered. If preteens are just being compliant then there is no value in worship, baptism, communion or a salvation response. A preteen who is just being compliant is not taking ownership of their faith.   Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast?  Send it to Looking for