Great Ideas For Your Preteen Ministry

FFS 355: Connecting with Preteens: Electives Between Services



Today on the podcast, Sean talks about the use of electives in between services. In Elevate we have two services, and we have about 20-30 kids that will stay for both services. This gives us about 45 minutes in between the services where chaos can occur unless we are specific about our planning. What we decided to do was to have electives that are run by our 9 am leaders. 3-4 leaders each week will stay and have a different activity. The kids will decide what activity they want to participate in and they stay with that leader in that activity for the next 20 minutes. This allows the 11 am leaders to arrive and get set for pre-service time. Another key take away from this is the by in from the leaders running the activities. They are owning their ministry every week. Additionally, it solves the chaos issue that was occurring by keeping the preteens occupied during that in between time. Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast?  Send it to podca