Great Ideas For Your Preteen Ministry

FFS 352: VOLUNTEER DEVELOPMENT: Monthly Volunteer Leader Meetings



Today on the podcast, Sean talks about a leader meeting that is focused on expectations. Last year Elevate implemented a meeting schedule with their volunteers once a month. This meeting takes place on a Sunday after church and involves lunch brought by different leaders each time. The first meeting of this year involved taking the leaders step by step through a service explaining their roles. Sean explains that these our guidelines of what we would like our leaders to do but would hope that they go beyond what we ask of them. Sean feels that leaders sometimes feel that they need permission to do things and therefore wont step out and do something and instead will just stand there. These meetings can be something as simple as giving the leaders basic information about their roles to something more in depth like mandatory reporting guidelines. Have a question about preteen ministry or a unique preteen ministry idea that we can feature on our podcast?  Send it to Looking for a great com