Get Motivated, Get Moving With Jordan Strauss

How to Be More Disciplined



How to Be More Disciplined  Have you ever thought to yourself, “I wish I was more disciplined”? Every year millions of people make resolutions, but they fail to follow through with their commitments. How can you keep from falling into that category? Here are some ideas to help keep you on track: Turn Your Changes into Habits Being more disciplined requires hard work and dedication. It isn’t as simple as deciding you want to be different. You actually have to follow through on your commitments and turn your changes into habits. Once you’ve made them part of your routine, it will be a lot easier to make the right decisions. Set Yourself Up for Success Having discipline means making the right decisions even when you don’t want to. It is a whole lot easier to choose the right thing when you have fewer options to choose from. This way you have less opportunity to backslide into your old habits. Capitalize on Your Willpower It has been said that we have a finite amount of willpower each day. If that is the ca