Get Motivated, Get Moving With Jordan Strauss

How to Inspire Others



Have you ever wanted to inspire others with your life’s story, either as an author, life coach, or public speaker?   A little while ago, I created a Facebook post asking people about their goals. I was absolutely blown away by the number of people who wanted to inspire others. The answers seemed to hit upon a theme: We want to help others.   But, how do you actually do that? There’s actually not a straightforward path to it. If you know about me, you know that I made my first steps into the “motivation/self-help” business after experiencing two strokes at 31. I battled several obstacles, including learning how to walk again, and that experience fueled my approach to inspiring others.   I took my first step because I believe in the power of telling your story, of sharing your life’s experience so people can gain inspiration from it..   So, what advice would I give to an aspiring life coach or motivational speaker?   Don’t discount your story. Your story is power. Realize that where you are now is ENOUGH. Pack