Get Motivated, Get Moving With Jordan Strauss

How To Eliminate Entrepreneurial Overwhelm



Are you a business owner or pending entrepreneur who feels overwhelmed by everything you need to do to get started? Maybe you fell into the fantasy about how good it would be to own your business. After all, you’re the boss. You’re in charge.Now that you are the boss, it doesn’t seem like you are in charge anymore, rather it’s your to-do list. Perhaps you’re already established in your business but feel that you can’t go upward in your business. You want to grow your business, but you can’t get beyond the day-to-day struggles. Well, let me assure that the feeling is completely normal to every single entrepreneur and business owner that you will ever meet. That feeling you have, what I call “entrepreneurial overwhelm”, is something that I can help you overcome in just 3 easy steps. Recognize your comfort with stress Re-route (Defer, delegate, or delete) what you can’t control Reframe what you can. Ready to learn how to use these 3 R’s? I’ve got the perfect (less than 10 minutes!) podcast to transform your