Freecoast Freecast

Money & Oil - FF033



Portsmouth PD has a quota, they don’t want to call it a quota, but when you create benchmarks that include how many traffic stops and tickets their officers write, and then evaluate their performance based on these benchmarks, it’s a quota. This incentivizes officers who understandably want to get promoted and compensated for doing a good job, to meet these benchmarks, which creates more traffic stops and more tickets. This is a problem and we’ll discuss it next on the Freecast. News Portsmouth PD have a quota system Portsmouth city patrol officers claim they’re working under a new quota mandate for writing tickets and “other performance benchmarks” while Chief David Mara said there are no quotas and he’s opposed to them Mara said his officers have been instructed that if they’re not busy answering calls, they should be enforcing traffic laws and giving tickets to drivers who break them. The police union is demanding to bargain with the Police Commission because a “de facto quota system” has been used for