Professional Military Education

Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession with Dr. Leonard Wong



My guest is Dr. Leonard Wong a research professor at the U.S. Army War College’s Strategic Studies Institute. In February 2015, he co-authored a paper with Stephen Gerras called “Lying to Ourselves: Dishonesty in the Army Profession.” The interview explores how a culture of “ethical laziness” has spread throughout military branches like the U.S. Army. The essential question is whether the Army system has eroded virtues like integrity. Dr. Wong argues that through overtasking and too many training requirements, military leaders will consciously report inaccuracies. But, is this malicious? Is it a new phenomenon? What can military leaders do now to recover the core values that make the profession of arms so widely respected? This conversation will stir a lot of passionate debates and emotions, but that is a good thing. I applaud Dr. Wong for taking on this topic. It will only challenge military leaders to think and improve our profession.  Be sure to follow Dr. Wong’s current and future work by finding him onli