Professional Military Education

Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging with Sebastian Junger



In this interview, I talk to Sebastian Junger. Sebastian wrote Tribe: On Homecoming and Belonging. Sebastian is also the author of The Perfect Storm, which was made into a major film. His films include the award-winning documentaries Restrepo and Korengal. Sebastian Junger began his career as a journalist in war town countries such as Bosnia and Afghanistan. Through his own struggles with PTSD and his study of units on the battlefield, Sebastian dives deep into what it is like for someone to return from war. What are the struggles of returning to modern society where life is easy, and people are separated from each other? How has the loss of community hurt veterans returning from battle?   Sebastian takes on difficult topics, and challenges us to think about issues related to the state of American society.   Be sure to check out Sebastian’s website: