Professional Military Education

John Boyd, Maneuver Warfare, and MCDP-1 (Part 2) with Major Ian Brown



MCDP1: Warfighting is four chapters, and the total length is around 100 pages. The book is affectionately termed a "two crapper", which means that a person can finish it in two-bathroom trips. Warfighting describes a way of thinking about war. It is not a checklist or a technical manual. It gives a mental framework that provides the basis for the Marine Corps’ conception of war. More importantly it is a launching point for future studies. Warfighting should be the starting point for further scholarship. It is simple to read and enjoyable. The themes and points of discussion in Warfighting could be discussed for many hours. In Part Two of this interview with Major Ian Brown, we dive into the specific chapters in MCDP1: Warfighting that include the nature of war, the theory of war, preparing for war, and the conduct of war. Maj Brown highlights many of the key themes of the book and reflects on the history and evolution of these themes. Check out the interview and share it!   For copies of Maj Brown’s book, A N