Professional Military Education

S. C. Gwynne on The Intricate Strategies of Stonewall Jackson



S.C. Gwynne is a New York Times bestselling author, and award-winning Historian. His book, Rebel Yell, focuses on the Civil War general Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson. Jackson was a brilliant leader and was consider a real ‘rock ‘n’ roll star,’ during the era where his bold strategic maneuvers became famous on an international level. Find out more about this fascinating man in this week’s episode!   Key Takeaways: [4:35] What was Gwynne’s inspiration to writing the book? [6:05] Who was Thomas “Stonewall” Jackson? [13:35] Why was Jackson against the Civil War? [21:30] When the war starts, what was Jackson’s role in the army? [26:30] How did the weapon technology change during this time period? [29:20] How did Jackson get to The first Bull Run? [34:40] Jackson became a mini celebrity after the First Battle of Bull Run. [35:25] What’s the difference between First Bull Run vs. First Manassas? [39:25] Jackson’s men marched 700 miles in 28 days and fought 5 major engagements. [43:35] How did Jackson achieve such maneuv