
ZimmCast 653 - Wrapping Up #NAMA20



Hello and welcome to the ZimmCast, featuring weekly interviews with agribusiness industry leaders and all about what’s new, with a focus on agricultural marketing. The #NAMA20 is a wrap and it was a great show. If you are registered you can still go back and watch presentations. You can also still visit the Connection Point and say hi to those of us with a booth. You can also visit our virtual newsroom on AgNewsWire to see some images from the conference and hear from NAMA Sustaining Sponsors. In this week’s program we’re feature some more of the sustaining partners of the National Agri-Marketing Association. You’ll hear from David Lazarenko, Think Shift; Dustin Johansen, OBP and Marty Wolske, Meredith Agrimedia. They will talk about their organizations and why they support the work of NAMA. So, that’s the ZimmCast for this week. I hope you enjoy it and thank you for listening.