Piano Parent Podcast: Helping Teachers, Parents, And Students Get The Most Of Their Piano Lessons.

PPP130: Ten Songs that are Perfect for a YouTube Play Along



The last few shows have mentioned playing chords or pop songs or getting creative at the piano in some way. Talking about it is great and your piano kid might really be interested in playing some pop tunes but getting started can feel a little overwhelming. That’s why I put together this list of 10 songs that are perfect to play along with a YouTube video and I have the videos embedded on the show notes for this episode. I chose these songs because most of them use only a few chords (most of them five chords or less) and those chords occur in a repeating pattern throughout the entire song or through a large portion of the song. The basic formula for playing each chord is to have the right hand play the chord in root position (your piano teacher can share more about this) while the left hand plays the root note only. In most cases, students are holding the chord as a whole note until it's time to play the next chord. Often, after students begin to feel the rhythm pattern and the pulse of the music they choose