Worth It

110: Why Everyone Needs an Estate Plan



Answer us this: which person needs estate planning the most?  A) Someone with two kidsB) Someone with a small business of their ownC) Someone who has property and possessions to pass onD) All of the above If you answered D, ding ding ding! You win. Say the term “estate planning” and people assume it’s only meant for people with kids, or that it’s used to pass on wealth and possessions. But it’s much more than that, and we know that everyone benefits from an estate plan. We talk about why in our latest podcast episode. WHAT YOU’LL LEARN  What estate planning usually includes Why most people avoid estate planning What happens when you don’t have an estate plan Basic estate planning documents you need A few things you may not have considered for your will The future of your business Think about life insurance Details to remember in your estate plan Where does your stuff go? Your estate is made up of all your possessions. Your home, your car, bank accounts, investments you’ve made, that yacht you use once in a