Solar Energy Show

What Batteries Should I Buy With My Solar System?



Copyright 2021 - The Energy Show, Barry Cinnamon Are you worried about blackouts and public safety power shutoffs (PSPS)? Are you sick of getting ripped off by rising electric rates from your local utility? Then you’re one of the millions of homeowners and businesses who are interested in a battery backup system designed to work with your solar system. It can be confusing to determine which battery and inverter system will be the best for your particular application, whether you are just adding a battery to your existing solar system, or installing a completely new solar and battery system. So this week’s Energy Show is all about selecting the best battery system for your home or business. Major battery suppliers include LG, Tesla, Enphase, Generac and SolarEdge. However, unlike solar panels, which can be mixed and matched with different inverters, batteries are designed to work only with certain inverter systems — most commonly SolarEdge and Enphase. It’s like cars: you don’t get to pick the manufacturer