Security Voices

Satellite Hacking w/ Frank Pound



Hundreds of inexpensive satellites are now regularly launched into space through SpaceX’s Smallsat Rideshare program. Some are sophisticated and commercial, others are DIY and experimental. They share space with now over 3,000 other artificial satellites orbiting the Earth. What could possibly go wrong?Frank Pound joins Jack and Dave for a conversation to answer the question of just how hackproof satellites really are and why it matters, starting with the Hack-a-Sat competition. Hack-a-Sat is an intensive capture the flag style competition currently in its second year where teams square off against one another to break into and defend satellite tech. And along the way, we learn that doing so requires encounters with strange software, hardware and not a small amount of hard math.The most known, visible satellite hack dates back to the 1980s and involves a broadcast takeover around Thanksgiving from a Max Headroom mask wearing man which ended in a spanking, but no real harm done. Jack and Dave explore the attac