Coach & Joe

Escapism Christianity feat. Javez and Maria Munoz // Bilingual Episode!



THIS EPISODE IN SPANISH AND ENGLISH.Coach grabs a seat with a couple of very special guests Pastor Javez and his daughter Maria to tell of their family’s wild faith journey to the US and challenge what Pastor Javez calls “Escapism Christianity”.El entrenador se sienta con un par de invitados muy especiales, el Pastor Javez y su hija Maria para contarles sobre el viaje de fe de su familia a los Estados Unidos y desafiar lo que el Pastor Javez llama  "Cristianismo Escapismo".To go deeper with Coach and Joe visit If you have an incredible story about how Coach and Joe affected your journey with God please send us a video from your phone under 60 seconds to!If you have suggestions for topics or other general questions email __Interested in getting discipled hands on for a year? Check out for our training school and learn how to walk in friendship with God with the Bridgeway community!If you’re in town and want to