In Top Form Podcast

Episode 39: Whatever Happened To The Pot Luck?



Have you ever wondered why you don’t get to see friends more often?  And, when you do get together is it awesome?  Does it fill you with energy?  Do you have a great time and recharge? Do you see more of what really matters and a bit more clearly? Our friendships matter but in the modern world we’re busier than ever and we often sacrifice getting together. And let’s face it, entertaining is hard and stressful so we often default to a sports bar or other less than perfect location for catching up and finding out about one another again. Ages ago, in the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s they had an institution to deal with this – the pot luck lunch of dinner.  Everyone made something so it was easy on the host (and the host often rotated but someone can be a “permanent host”). A few people brought a salad and someone brought a side or two.  A person or a couple of people brought a main dish and another a dessert (or two).  The host made something as well and often provided drinks (as well as the quiet relaxed venue of a hom